Beneath a cloudless Antarctic sky stand ten people clad in blue fur-lined coats. Each carries a flag. A small square flag snaps to reveal the Lumina Learning logo. To find out exactly how Lumina Spark and Lumina Emotion helped the Inspire 22 Team, do check out  With an electronic click, the historic moment when the Inspire 22 Medical Research Expedition reached the geographic South Pole is immortalised for ever.


Inspire 2022 - The Homecoming

The Conquering Heroes come


So ended a journey which saw the team ski some 900 km across the Antarctic plateau in a very creditable 47 days, during which time they braved  -40° temperatures, 60 mph winds, and the rigours of hauling heavy sleds for hours on end. When they returned to the UK, they did so in some cases 12 kg lighter.


Picture of Inspire 2022 Team



Aside from the wealth of data it has gathered on the toll the Antarctic takes on one’s metabolism, the expedition smashed a number of records:

  • Inspire 22 is the largest expedition on skis to the South Pole
  • Team member Dr. Nadja Albertsen becomes the first Danish women to ski to the South Pole
  • Devon McDiarmid becomes the first person to guide no fewer than 6 expeditions to the South Pole


Now Major Natalie Taylor, Dr. Jack Kreindler, Professor Imray, Dr. Roger Alcock, Surgeon Lieutenant Stefano Capella, Captain Pat Harper, Flight Lieutenant Mike Eager, LCpl Stephanie Innes-Smith, Devon McDiarmid, Major Henry Crosby, Dr. Nadja Albertsen and Morten Tobias Rostille can take their places in the storied annals of Antarctic exploration.

From everyone at Lumina Learning, we salute you. Stay tuned for a full case-study in due course.